Misty Peaks
Not often do I find myself standing bellow the peaks. In this shot I noticed this particular ridge running up the mountain side, and decided I would stop and see if I could find a composition. I was hoping for a bit more atmosphere, but in the end this is what I came home with. A post sunset summit, mist rolling past the peaks, a darkening sky, and not much for my fall colors. The whole image is a bit muted, but I enjoy the sight. I’ll see if I can return here and try again with a bit more atmosphere later on.
Stopping to try new things is important, you’re working on new skills, trying something outside of your comfort zone, adding to your overall arsenal. As much as we love to swing our equipment around, it means nothing without the skills to use it in a given environment. While my photo here isn’t earth shattering, much more a snap shot than a photograph. It gave me a new experience, and because I am a photographer, a new puzzle to solve.
Remember, we as photographers are puzzle solvers. Whether we’re on location, or behind our editing rig. Stop for a few moments and work to improve your skills. A great way to do this is go out at your next available opportunity and shoot something you’ve never shot before. Do you best, whether you succeed or fail in the photo, you will have a new goal. And goals are the stepping stones to new experiences!
Until Next Time!
Aperture: f8
ISO: 640
SS: 1/8th
Focal: 35mm
Fujinon 16-55mm