A Mountain Mood
Looking Glass Rock is a feature in the landscape I simply cannot pass by without stopping and appreciating. Surrounded by the cradle of forestry here in Western North Carolina, a cliff rises out of the forest, capturing light and projecting a deep mythic quality. You, for a moment, step out of the modern world and are cast back in time, beholding a true wonder of the natural world. Throw the clouds down around this majestic mountain, and you may find yourself transfixed by one of natures true beauties. This photo was taken just past sunrise in October of 2021, and perhaps one of my favorite images from the past year.
I knew this morning would have a inversion, where the clouds are down in the valley, and creates a way to frame your subjects. Every area the world over has special weather related events. No matter where you find yourself, you should take a moment to step outside and see what you can find to take a photo of. Perhaps its a grand landscape, or perhaps its a singular subject. The clouds and gradient light here allow me to frame out the subject and create a wonderful image to share.
The point is, no matter where you are in the world, you can take beautiful photos. Find something in the environment around you that you like, you enjoy. Then step back and see how you can capture it in the best way. It takes time, patience, and practice. No matter if you’re shooting on a cellphone, or the most expensive camera, take your time, and find joy in the image you produce.
Until Next Time!
Aperture: f8
ISO: 640
SS: 1/1000th
Focal: 66mm
Fujinon 50-140mm