
I set out this month to turn in one photo, every single day. I know full well I’ve turned in some seriously sub par shots. That’s not the point though, the point is to get out, enjoy the scenery, and come across jewels before the leaves drop, leaving me waiting one the next project to come along. This view, while lacking in the typical mood I love to shoot with, still offered something interesting to me. Something eye catching, the road following the mountain with the washed out fall colors painting the mountain side, a little sunlight playing on the opposite side of the ridge.

Mountain views, big vistas, subtle details, sunset, and autumn color. All things I love. This shot was taken on the Tennessee North Carolina line at Newfound Gap. I’ve passed this location up several times, no light, no mood, no color, too much haze. These may sound, in effect like excuses, but they are legitimate issues for a landscape photographer. You need something to draw the viewers eye in, something to capture the essence of the scene, more than just a ….blob… of an image.

So, while you’re out finding locations to shoot, remember, find one of these elements to latch onto and build your scene around. My shot here is a first time look at a scene I have kept in my back pocket for a few years. I don’t often get out this way, but on this occasion I’m glad I did, though in the future I may arrive a bit earlier and work the scene a bit more, just to find a few more supporting elements.

Until Next Time!

Aperture: f7.1 ISO: 160 SS: 1/60th Focal: 61mm  Fujinon 50-140mm

Aperture: f7.1
ISO: 160
SS: 1/60th
Focal: 61mm

Fujinon 50-140mm


The Backwoods


Winding Roads