Back into the Wild
Not all waterfalls need to be massive, and that’s something I have always been excited about when travelling down various forest service roads. You end up finding areas in valleys that have a small spring bubbling down the cut, and then wash out under the road. You end up with lovely small landscapes. This little brook is only a foot high at most, but because of the way it was framed, and the compression I got because I used a telephoto lens it looks larger, magical almost. Of course usually I like to shoot wide angles, but this little scene taught me something important. Sometimes, because of the environment you cannot physically get to where your wide angles work out. So use a telephoto lens and dive in.
Of course this photo relies on my new editing technique, exposure blending, and encouraging the colors. For the longest time I was content to just use a program to layer my images flat on top of one another, but it simply wasn’t looking right, especially with water. So, I learned how to properly layer, and mask images together and paint in the features I wanted, almost like dodging and burning. Now, I am just learning this new technique but it has already given me a new appreciation and love for photography!
It’s an important step in your photography, always be on the lookout to obtain and learn new skills! Can’t get the look you want? Work at it, find out why you can’t master your editing process. Find out what’s standing in your way, and take that mountain and begin figuring out how to climb it. One step at a time, one new skill at a time. In time you will master that mountain, and then you can find your next mountain. The big thing here is really that you do not need to do it all at once, take your time, enjoy the journey. The reward is that much greater when you reach the end… only to find out, you’ve only just begun.
Until Next Time, Have A Lovely Day!
Aperture: f7.1
ISO: 800
SS: 1 second
Focal: 50mm
Fujinon 50-140mm