
I went out searching for a good shot, once again in miserable weather. Usually when the weather is bad enough, not even I want to go out, but because autumn colors are so amazing, I pushed and went out regardless. For the most part I found myself driving in the clouds, looking for clear spots. When that didn’t work out for me I decided to call it and head back. As I headed back down, I spied a few little areas to try and get a shot, long exposures, some telephoto, nothing was really working out for me, not until this happened. I was texting on my phone pulled into an overlook, I initially ignored the shifting light patterns…. and then it blew up. Panic, it was immediate. Had I just lost my chance for an epic shot because I was too busy trying to figure out what I wanted to eat for dinner? Fortunately no, there, just in front of me was my last chance of a shot. No rain, no strong winds, just me, a small space to setup, and amazing light. I dashed out, setup shot a few photos. Just as soon as it began, it was gone as if it had never been. The entire thing took place in the space of five minutes.

Light can change on a dime, this shot took place in a complete overcast rainy day, and then bam, like nothing was back to dark wet weather. As if the light was a momentary lapse. I didn’t think it would happen, all signs pointed to no, so was left unprepared, unaware. Had the light not been so vivid and so sudden I would of never noticed it looking at food options. So, todays lesson, for myself at least, pay attention when out in the field. If you’re going to be in the field for sunset, put the phone down and look at what’s going on. Sure, nothing may happen, but then again… sometimes it will.

Of course it helps to know the area well enough to know where to get the light when it does happen. I saw many photographers that day packing it in like myself. I didn’t see a single car after around 6 that night. It’s unusual during this season to be almost totally alone on the parkway, and can be unnerving, you are after all in the deep dark woods. So keep calm, pay attention, and when all else fails… There’s always tomorrow.

Until Next Time!

Aperture: f8 ISO: 640 SS: 1/8th Focal: 19mm  Fujinon 16-55mm

Aperture: f8
ISO: 640
SS: 1/8th
Focal: 19mm

Fujinon 16-55mm


Sleepy Hollow


Deep Valley Mist