End of the Rainbow

Rainbows are always something you should stop and shoot. You may only get a few seconds, but they are always fun to stop and capture. This particular rainbow developed during the storms over the mountains. Autumn storms here in the Blue Ridge mountains are always fun to see, I didn’t get the lightning I was hoping for, but rainbows in their own way are just as fantastic. I popped out of my car hastily, being rained on, and composed a rough image. I don’t often, as a landscape photographer do a lot of hand holding, but I didn’t want to setup the full tripod for a shot that would only take a few moments. Of course those few moments of standing in the autumn rain can be refreshing, also frigid once you’re in the high peaks…. Worth it.

I touched on it before, but need to reiterate. Getting wet is part of the gig, being miserable in the conditions at hand. No one WANTS to get soaked, but it’s something we live with. And while not every shot you get while being in the elements is a keeper, it’s worth noting that you get a decent amount to play with from that practice, so I encourage you to get a bit of rain gear and go with it. I have been using a poncho for this purpose, but a rain jacket is great as well!

So, some equipment to consider keeping in your car, or camera bag is the theme of this post. Keep some spare, clean, dry socks. Your feet are going to get wet from time to time, you can couple that with dry shoes in the car as well. A rain jacket, maybe some rain pants. T shirt, a winter coat, and of course some gloves. You can keep spares of these items of course, but its important to dry off, warm up once you’re done with the shoot, when you get back to the car or camp. No one wants to miss days or weeks of shooting because they weren’t prepared.

Until Next Time!

Aperture: f8 ISO: 640 SS: 1/500th Focal: 47mm  Fujinon 16-55mm

Aperture: f8
ISO: 640
SS: 1/500th
Focal: 47mm

Fujinon 16-55mm


Deep Valley Mist

