Forest Flow

As promised I returned to the falls I shot the other day and worked the scene differently, opposite side of the falls from atop a pile of loose boulders. I considered working form further back and higher, but the scene just didn’t look right. I flipped through my lenses, checking focal lengths, turning out that 16mm was the place to sit. Of course this process of finding the right place and focal length took a bit, but in the end this shot towards the end of my stay was the one I liked the most. The editing process was a bit different here, using a more HDR feel, while also desaturating my tones down to a more natural color.

You can achieve these same effects fairly simply. I recently began experimenting with a different editing work flow, making the large adjustments first, then coming back to fill in the smaller areas, the supporting adjustments. Try it in the future, you achieve the same effect either way of course, but it can help expedite your overall workflow. It’s as I have said before, create a process, stick with it, and efficiency will follow.

This image also demonstrates my attempt at leaving a level of texture in the water, using a dark frame to paint the textures and roughness of the waters flow back into the image. I love the silky look, but in this image too long of an exposure leaves the water looking like an amorphous blob, its not a great look. So, we tweak, and fiddle with our settings to create something more appealing, somewhere between natural and mystical with flowing water. I’ve been trying for the last few years to get an ideal leveling of this together, it just takes time, perhaps one day I will walk away form one of these shots feeling like I have accomplished the quote unquote look, I want.

Until Next Time!

Aperture: f8
ISO: 1600
SS: 1/4th
Focal: 16mm

Fujinon 16-55mm


Mountain Swell


The Backwoods