Misty Rays
This shot was taken last year, and I have previously edited and posted it. With my new understanding of photo editing techniques I have begun going through my back catalog of photos and fixing, or updating those photos into a new process. The following is the original write up I did of the scene.
So, todays clouds were perfect, an epic sunset was going to swing through the mountains, shine light and shadows all over the ridges after some light rain. I was excited. I drive, and drive through the mountains over the Blue Ridge Parkway looking for a new place to shoot, and I happen upon these lumbering boulders on the side of the road. Occupied. Couldn't get in, but I had plenty of time before sunset. I drive down the road, sun is on the wrong side the the mountains with no overlooks.... I turn back and the place I had seen was empty, I climb up a boulder get setup, set my exposures, get a few test shots in to find my composition.... Fog rolls in. I did managed to salvage this shot before the fog reduced visibility to nothing, so I hope I did the scene some justice.
Returning to older shots is important, finding older scenes and improving them, bringing new life to the scene. I enjoy the process of editing. It brings to life the scene I show to the public, and sometimes I am mortified by previous attempts at capturing a scene [aren’t we all…]. I encourage all of you out there to work on your photo editing repertoire, familiarize yourself with the function of the tools you use, not just the camera. Simple things like saturation, brightness, temperature, all these little things breath life into a scene. We are manipulating the light in some ways, absolutely, but at the end of the day photography started out as literally painting over light.
In this scene I wanted to highlight certain aspects, and deepen shadows to counter the harsh light beams pouring through the small break in the cloud. Working slowly, but assuredly to capture the scene in the best way I know how to. One of the methods of creating this effect, dodge and burn. There are plenty of resources available to you to learn this effect, and you should go out and check those things out. Editing may seem dull to some of you, or just too much work to others, but it’s rewarding when you finally complete a piece.
Until Next Time!
Aperture: f8
ISO: 160
SS: 1/60th
Focal: 16mm
Fujinon 16-55mm