Moss Covered Falls

Tellico Plains in Tennessee is a lovely area to visit with some great activities, camping, fishing, hiking, sight seeing, and of course photography. Hey have a fishery on site, and even waterfalls you can just drive up to and grab a photo of. Bald River Falls is one such waterfall that you can just drive up to. There are two paths on either side of the bridge you can hike down and get into the basin, I wanted a more front on look at the falls. I think I managed to capture the falls fairly well overall, though I can’t wait to return and give it another shot, hopefully on a day with some diffused lighting, a little additional glow, and really make the falls pop.

So, as a landscape photographer, you have a sort of home range. That range is generally a pre determined area around where you live. Some of us, that range is further and for some of us that range is our backyard. Either way, at some point you have to begin exploring outside of that range and gather new locations, and working those scenes. Getting complacent in your shots can create a boring portfolio. I understand I’m very lucky that I have such a diverse area to practice landscape photography, but even I need to get out and about from time to time, spread my wings and see where the road takes me.

So, when should you start venturing out and exploring new places such as this? As soon as you like, as long as you’re comfortable going out and exploring. I spent years traveling the same roads shooting the same scenes, and working with the known quantities before I began to travel outside of my comfort zone. For me, it allowed me to practice and develop my eye more. Your mileage will vary, you might immediately grasp the concepts, or you may need to take time. No matter whether you bring a photo back or not though, no trip is wasted.

Until Next Time!


ISO: 800
Aperture: f11
SS: 1/8th
Focal: 27mm

Fujinon 16-55mm


Mountain Gradient


Skyway Delight