Spring Rain

Once again, stepping back into the past, this is one of my favorite images from 2020 brought to life with a new editing technique. I spent some time working on bringing out the colors, and the details of the image to show one of the more majestic views right alongside the Blue Ridge parkway. This scenic vista stretches out before you form the Mile High Campground on the southern most end of the parkway, giving you a glimpse into the magical world that awaits visitors, or long time residents. Sometimes it pays to stop what you’re doing, leave the hustle and bustle for a while, and just look off into sunset from atop a mountain.

Weather. It is a blessing and a curse to some of us photographers. On the one hand, we have this lovely scattered shower sweeping across the mountains, clouds allowing rays of light to pass through giving us this amazing view, on the other had, standing on top of a mountain with no protection as the sky opens up overtop of you. So, what’s a photographer to do? Sure you can stand out in the elements and hope for the best, or indeed you could find shelter, save yourself and the gear. I have spoken at great lengths about how I feel on this subject, and have enough waterlogged clothes to show for it.

So what’s the point then? Weather is going to happen, you need to be prepared for it, you need to see it, not just from the comfort of your own home, but be out in it, moving around exploring the sights. On days with poor weather you have opportunities to catch truly awe inspiring scenes. Catch those scattered showers, not just over mountains, but anywhere. A little mood, a little drama brings a whole new dimension to your photos. Don’t fret bad weather, revel in it, take advantage of the opportunity it affords you. The worst feeling a photographer can have is “I should of gone out there”. Compounded further when you see someone else did. You’re in control, just have to make it happen.

Until Next Time!


ISO: 160
Aperture: f8
SS: 1/8th
Focal: 35mm

Fujinon 16-55mm


Skyway Delight

