The Rolling Clouds

The weather in the mountains is as predictable as one may expect. One minute you’re chasing rays of light, the next you’re in a tunnel of cloud, unable to see more than a few feet in front of you. In between these levels of light you get the periodic window into a valley, or down the road, glimpses of what’s going on all around you at any given moment, this is one of those glimpses just beyond. Clouds swirling and toiling all around, leaving you one tiny valley, creating a perfect framing device on a dreary October day.

I have shot this valley a number of times in various weather conditions, I’ve never much cared for the results. Today was different, today the mood was right, the clouds were right. It’s important to stop and take in a scene more than once if you have the option. Today may not be the right mood to get the scene you’re looking for. The depth you’re seeking. In this case, the autumn colors, and the clouds created a opportunity. Stay on your toes and keep your eyes open. Especially when you’re in the mountains, you never know what the next curve, or valley holds.

Photographing autumn this year has been wrought with ups and downs for me. It has however driven me to find better compositions, more playing with light. Contemplating scenes I didn’t like just last month. This particular scene is the result of a storm system moving in, the clouds beginning to drop into the valleys and a long exposure to help smooth out the clouds. Next time you’re out in what could only be described as poor light, try and find a scene that works well in the situation.

Until Next Time!

Aperture: f16
ISO: 160
SS: 5secs
Focal: 23mm

Fujinon 16-55mm


A Side of Light


An Evening Affair