Twilight Serenity
Just into the edge of twilight, serenity descends to those waiting still for it. I had attempted to race the sun, to capture the last fleeting moments of the day, the gorgeous sunset over the smokies, but it was not to be this day. Instead I arrived on scene late, as I knew I likely would. So I stubbornly setup my camera as the other photographers laughed, breaking theirs down and driving off. I was a fool on the roadside, looking for what was already gone. Yet, there amongst the evening light, the fall air chilling my hands fast, the mountains gave me a small gift. Twilight can be grand indeed, for those who are willing to stop and look.
This exposure was interesting, at first, in my disappointment I was going to leave, but something had captured my eye. That something was the fading light in the valley bellow. Getting a balanced exposure during blue hour can be difficult, its not a light many work with, and sadly so. It can, at times be some of the most wonderous light you encounter, and so, despite the jeers from the other photographers, I worked to refine an exposure. 13 seconds, low ISO, and hoping my manual focus was sharp.
For the edit, I spent very little time on this photo, it didn’t need a lot of real help. Blue mountain haze, memories of light in the valley, and the sky doing one of its wonderous light shows over stretched clouds. yes, this edit took very little time to complete indeed. Once again, its about knowing when to stop. I may, at some later date come to despite my work here, but I think I will most likely continue to enjoy it.
Until Next Time!
Aperture: f10
ISO: 160
SS: 13secs
Focal: 27mm
Fujinon 16-55mm