The fall colors of Appalachia reach further than the canopy, indeed, one may be shocked by the fall colors just under foot. Lovely flowers springing up as fall drags on, adding contrast to the falling leaves of Autumn. In my journey ever onward as a photographer I often find myself pursuing such sights, small and insignificant as they may seem, brought to life for all to appreciate, working to display the incredible grandeur of even the smallest and most unnoticed of things. These Aromatic Aster grow bountifully along my creek, providing more than just a glance, but almost as importantly, a source of sustenance for bees, and butterflies.
This photo has been something I have been working on capturing for sometime. The cliché, bee on a flower. All through the spring bloom, and summer heat I tried and tried to capture this singular photo, and it wasn’t until today I managed it. A singular small bee atop one of the wildflowers, I didn’t know if my settings were right for the photo, but as it turns out, all my practice seems to of paid off.
The edit for this photo was layered with simplicity, but with an attention to detail. We added a vignette, brightened just the flowers, and allowed the background to darken slightly. A bit of sharpening, and finally a small radial filter over the flower and bee important to the frame. This photo took relatively little work, but had some complexity to it. Adding luminosity masks to help capture just the details I wanted. Sometimes I impress even myself.
Until Next Time!
Aperture: f2.8
ISO: 400
SS: 1/500th
Focal: 140mm
Fujinon 50-140mm