Autumn Mists
During the changing leaves, the heavy temperature shifts in the deep mountains, on occasion you may find weather unlike any you have ever seen. Stormy skies, corpuscular rays, snow storms, and heavy rain, all mixing into an incredible visage along your horizons. I stood awe struck, overlooking the incredible view, becoming lost in the magical moment. You could forget, even for a moment, that you’re standing upon a wind beaten frozen mountain top. Observing the beauty, experiencing the sights, breathing in that artic air. Autumn Mists never fail to inspire you, to reinvigorate you, to remind you of the beauty all around you.
Fall photography is an inspiring time of year. I came to one of my usual haunts hoping for something inspiring, I didn’t have long to wait. The sky cracked open, the rays began to shine down, and then off in the distance I began to see what looked to be smoke. Indeed, it was simply a snow storm coming down over the mountain peaks, the temperature dropped, the winds hit gusts of 40+. I nearly lost my tripod twice during the shoot. In the end of course it was all fine, a hand in the rock bag, and patience were all that was required.
The edit here was simplicity. I ducked the colors in the foreground while bringing up the shadows, and then really just worked on creating a nice soft glowing Orton effect in the central frame. Added a slight vignette, and controlled my contrast, this piece required very little work. One should aspire to find those pieces, or shots that don’t require much work to push it over the edge.
Until Next Time!
Aperture: f10
ISO: 200
SS: 1/25th
Focal: 54mm
Fujinon 50-140mm