Burning for You
The higher elevation leaves were mostly gone, but undeterred I traveled with a good friend up Cowee Mountain overlook. The haze hung heavy in the sky, a bit lighter down in the valley, while it all started as unremarkable, almost ugly, I waited. Recomposing the scene several times, just to see what would happen. I suspected we would get a show. The temperatures dipped further and faster as I waited forcing me to add layers on. Finally, the sun sets, but the shot wasn’t what I wanted, so I wait, the winds picking up as they often do this time of year. Finally, the sky begins to glow, the glow begins to spread, the blue haze in the valleys bellow shifted purple… and finally, I had my shot. The sky like fire on the cold evening, the haze like smoke over an ocean of mountain waves, surely I could capture the essence of the moment.
Moments come and go, and very likely the weather doesn’t care much for your presence. I’ve stood in the rain, hot sun, blistering cold. Was any of it worth it? I like to think so, but this comes to the point we need to look at. In your camera gear, your every day load out for what you pack. What do you consider essential? Surely in some parts of the world the weather is predictable, and indeed, I predicted cold, and high winds in this example. But I have stood on a mountain peak in the height of summer and endured a hail storm that had no right to exist [my opinion of course, I might be slightly salty about the experience lol]. So, as landscape photographers should we consider layers and protection form the elements as essential camera gear we should take with us? I think so.
A couple things to take in account. Where are you going? What are you going to be doing? How far away from civilization do you intend to be? Even if you’re just taking road side photos, keep a change of warm clothes, and even a blanket if you can. I keep a poncho liner in my vehicle at all times just in case, and the poncho right next to it. A couple bottles of water, and a few other odds and ends to keep myself safer on the go. Your mileage may vary, but some basic equipment can go a long way towards coming home shattered, or coming home just a bit worn out.
Until Next Time!
Aperture: f7.1
ISO: 400
SS: 1/8th
Focal: 24mm
Fujinon 16-55mm