Evening Skyline

While fall colors are my focus this time of year, occasionally I break away and shoot something different. This is an example of one of the views I enjoy. City skylines by night. This of course is Asheville from above, near Sunset Drive. I spent an hour looking for a place to shoot the scene from alongside the mountains. There are a few places to get the vantage, but each is very different. While cruising around the mountains I finally located a place I could shoot this vista without trespassing, or trying to shoot through the brambles. The clouds dropping into valley giving a bit of misty diffusion.

As photographers, we are often posed with a problem. A grand vista, view, or interesting composition laid in front of us, but to get that shot we have to trespass. What do we do? There are three options, one we approach the landowner and request permission to get approval to go out and take those photos. We find another place to get a similar photo. Finally, you trespass. Possibly damage private property, or put ourselves in legal, or sometimes physical jeopardy. I absolutely refuse to take up the third option. I encourage you to avoid it at all costs as well.

While there are photographers who will trespass at the drop of a hat, it’s not a strategy you should look for. That sort of behavior gives us, as photographers a bad name. Instead try the other two options, yes it may be harder, but you’ll find yourself challenged to interact, or better think outside of the box to get a similar photo. Learn a bit more about composition, and eager to work harder for the photos you do get. I, for the photo bellow parked in a pull off and stood atop a loose rocky mound to get the desired photo.

Until Next Time!

Aperture: f8 ISO: 640 SS: 15secs Focal: 115mm  Fujinon 50-140mm

Aperture: f8
ISO: 640
SS: 15secs
Focal: 115mm

Fujinon 50-140mm


Windows Through The Cloud


Fall Fog