Fall Fog

The sky was over my mountains today was clear, no depth, no mood, an hour down the road however a small patch of clouds sat above the peaks. Despite wanting to stay in for the day and work on photos from earlier, I decided the fall colors deserved the attention. So I pack up the gear, hit the road and watch as I approach the dark clouds over the area, up once more into the parkway, around the twists turns. I am not as familiar with the area for photographic locations, but found a few interesting compositions to sink my teeth into. A few shots I couldn’t get composed slipped through my fingers, but that’s alright, there’s always next time. This particular shot I was quite happy with, clouds dipping into the mountains, trees beginning to turn more vibrantly, lovely light and shadow. Around every bend is a new opportunity.

Certain times of year are better for photography than others. High summer can be a challenge, winter on days with no snow can be a pain. Spring you find colors creeping back into the world, but autumn, autumn can be brilliant every day, in a thousand different ways. So, rather than stay alone inside working on previous photos, take the opportunity to collect even more. You can edit after the colors flee. [I still have a dozen or more I’m working on]

Fall colors are amazing, and a landscape photographers dream. Rain, shine, bitter cold, get out there and make the most of it, you never know what you might find next. A new friend, a shot you’ve been hunting for weeks, months or even years. Explore, enjoy, yes it’s a lot of work, a lot of time, but if you take your photography seriously, make the time for it. Today will soon become yesterday, and tomorrow may be too late.

Until Next Time!

Aperture: f8 ISO: 800 SS: 1/250th Focal: 50mm  Fujinon 50-140mm

Aperture: f8
ISO: 800
SS: 1/250th
Focal: 50mm

Fujinon 50-140mm


Evening Skyline


Sleepy Hollow