Fall Reveal

I’ve waited for nearly a year for autumn colors to return, once the leaves began to change the weather turned terrible [for a landscape photographer] crystal clear blue skies, and a dense suffocating haze. I waited a bit more, worried everyday that my leaves would simply fall off and be done [it’s happened here in the past]. Of course I knew reasonably that the conditions would prevent such a thing, even still the waiting is terrible. I preach patience when it comes to photography, but sometimes it can become insurmountable. My patience is finally beginning to pay off, the clouds returned, the haze is lessening, now I can run around like a madman shooting my fall colors once more.

The leaf season can be manic, the days shortening, the leaves changing, everyday you have less and less time to capture your perfect moment. I cannot stress enough how patience is important in photography. You can’t run around manic and expect to get your shot. Certainly you can get lucky, but you cannot rely on it. Landscape photography has an inherit amount of luck built it, but even when you’re in those perfect conditions, you still need to take a breath and slow down. Get the shot, don’t rush it, or second guess your considerations. Set your camera up for it, and wait. I happened to be setting up another project at the time these light rays began to develop, but because I was keeping an eye on my scene I was able to get my photos and manage my project.

While this photo is alright, I think I can, and will do better further on down the road with these scenes. And you as well should make the time to take advantage of lovely fall colors. It makes a nice earmark in your portfolio, and in the mean time, you will learn a bit more every time you go out. I encourage you to go seek out challenges, and see how you work with them. You may fail, but trust me when I say, in photography, failure is one of the many keys to success. Don’t aim to fail, but take it in stride when it happens, you’ll learn a lot from the experience!

Until Next Time!

Aperture: f9 ISO: 640 SS: 1/60th Focal: 12mm  Fujinon 8-16mm

Aperture: f9
ISO: 640
SS: 1/60th
Focal: 12mm

Fujinon 8-16mm


Cloud Fall

