Cloud Fall

Autumn in the mountains is an interesting sight to watch, starting in the highest peaks, and slowly begins to drop down the sides. The leaves turning brilliant colors, then fading to brown and falling to the forest floor. I love this time of year, I spend hours, days even running around the mountains watching the colors shift. During this time of year there’s tons of traffic, so you have to start extra early. Despite the slow drivers appreciating the natural beauty, it’s easy to keep your head up, a smile on, because the sights around you deserve a little extra time to observe. On this adventure I caught a sunset as a the clouds began to drop down onto the high mountain ridges.

An important thing about photography, know what you’re looking for, even if that idea is somewhat abstract, then adapt to the environment. Every time you take a photo it’s one of a kind, you can set a camera in a static position, taking a photo every second of every day for years and never get the same photo twice. Every time you’re out, every time you visit, revisit any location, it will be a unique experience. That’s why you take as many photos as you can, get the good light, get the bad light, find what strikes your fancy when you get the photos loaded for edit.

Working with all these photos seems a daunting task at times. I’ve come home with thousands of photos, then I had to sort through them all to find my perfect exposure, as time and experience racks up it will get easier. You’ll know what compositions look right, wrong, what light works best, eventually you’ll manage to sift through thousands of photos quickly, easily [And still second guess yourself!].

Until Next Time!

Aperture: f10 ISO: 640 SS: 1/100th Focal: 20mm  Fujinon 16-55mm

Aperture: f10
ISO: 640
SS: 1/100th
Focal: 20mm

Fujinon 16-55mm


Mountain Ridges


Fall Reveal