Fallen Giant
Within the forest, fallen trees can be a sight to behold, renewing, as they breakdown and decay, they offer a new opportunity. Life springs forth from the death of a fallen giant, like a phoenix rising form the ashes. Within this microcosm one will find wonders of detail, and visual interest. You could, as a photographer, or an onlooker spend a day or two just examining the wonders before you. To me, it’s a moment to reflect on the road behind, and the travels still to come.
A fallen tree is a beautiful, when I first bought the land this tree rests on it was freshly fallen, the bark still fresh, the deep lines in the tree not yet visible, but years later this old behemoth offers an alternate take. Giving us deep texture, showing the story of its afterlife, perhaps the story of the animals that use it for shelter, perhaps the story of the micro landscape. The only question is, at the end of the day, for the photographer.. .what story do we want to tell?
The composition here was straight forward, use those deep lines to create leading, guiding lines to pull a viewers eyes through the image, and lead them to the knot that I’ve made my subject. I often see versions of this shot or others, often however I see this take with the tree still standing and a bright sky overhead, I thought this take might work. Let me know what you think in the comments down bellow.
Until Next Time!
Aperture: f10
ISO: 500
SS: 1/15th
Focal: 61mm
Fujinon 50-140mm