Forest Curtains
The forests of Western North Carolina hold a treasure trove of sights, sounds, aromas, all laid out before any who bother to take a moment to look. This waterfall is only a mere 12 feet tall, and through most of the year the foliage covers its waters, through most of the year it runs gently… During the late fall and early spring though, it opens up, then you wait for the rain. The once gentle fall becomes something more, eye catching, magical, a sight to behold, a sight worth stopping for. Take your time, and really give this lovely little curtain of water deep in the forest more than a glance, allow yourself to become entranced. Nature lays itself bare before us, all we have to do is look.
Often when looking for waterfalls you have to hike deep into the forests, following old trails and bad directions to get to the location you want, in this case, Cliff Branch Falls is right on the literal roadside. Through most of the year the left branch of the fall is covered over in ferns and other such debris. Spring and fall are the only times of year its fully observable, and while the ferns and other forest debris can add character, you also limit the scope of the shot, so, we wait. Wait for early spring, late fall, and then for the rain to come, and feed this forest stream with enough water to put on a show.
For the composition, I tried several angles, but really, the best look for this 12 footer was straight on, so, your options end up being, telephoto form across a busy road, or Ultra wide right in front. The problem with being right in front, you’re right on the side of a busy road, so take precautions, make sure you’re clearly visible. Once you get everything set, now you need to figure your shutter speed, I wanted to shoot this slower, give more texture to the water, but none of those photos worked nearly as well. For now, I shall continue to fiddle with things in the field until I am certain I have a useable frame.
Until Next Time!
Aperture: f6.4
ISO: 400
SS: 1/4th
Focal: 9mm
Fujinon 8-16mm