Secret Windows

As photographers, we chase light, sometimes we settle, sometimes we’re caught unaware, and sometimes the sky erupts into brilliant display. Today, for me, it was all of the above. I arrived on a scene with a cloud pouring off the cliff above me, right down into the valley beneath. Unfortunately the scene was coated in this heavy mist by the time I was setup, and had pulled my composition together. I stuck to my guns, no time to get anywhere else recompose, I had begun contemplating just leaving with the white out before me. Just as I had decided… the sky parted just a little, golden glow foreshadowing. I had to recompose again, just a little. I was granted my own little window into the valley beyond.

Ultra wide angle lenses, lovely devices. They can paint a lovely picture for you, if you take your time with them. This is an example of taking your time. I arrived on scene ten minutes before golden hour, and immediately my eyes fell on this rock sitting near the edge of the drop. Sunlight licking the valley walls, mist pouring in gently. I thought I had time, so I took my time setting up. To be fair, I always take my time on setup, because rushing to get everything together leads to dropped lenses, broken gear. By the time I had everything together and was composing my initial scene it had become whiteout. Another wasted day…. or was it?

I arranged myself a seat, and kept watching the valley, it showed little hint that the patch would clear until I was sat down, comfortable, and ready to just enjoy the end of the day, maybe go for a long exposure, time lapse.. something. Just as I had resolved to pack back up, light erupted around me. The barest glimmer of hope that there may yet be a scene to shoot. So I began to recompose, lowered the camera…. and waited. In photography few things are as hopeless as waiting for your perfect shot. Few things as precious as having a scene unfold arounds you, even one you weren’t expecting.

Photography is a game of emotional turmoil, trials tribulations, constant learning… and most importantly of all… Patience.

Until next time!

Aperture: f3.6/f8 ISO: 800/640 SS: 1/30th Focal: 12mm  Fujinon 8-16mm

Aperture: f3.6/f8
ISO: 800/640
SS: 1/30th
Focal: 12mm

Fujinon 8-16mm


Shadows of the Cloud


Mountain Dreams