Shadows of the Cloud

As I continue down my road of discovery within the realms of photography, I have found my propensity for finding fault in every detail becoming more assertive. Perhaps it’s the old adage “You’re your own worst critic” or perhaps, more fittingly, it’s that I am looking at a scene more critically. Composition, such an easy concept! Well, it is when you first hear about it, then you delve deeper. This is a rabbit hole even Alice would tire of I feel. And yet, we steadfastly march onward! Finding ourselves correcting, and even dissecting every scene. A slow bubbling madness within all photographers, reflecting in our works before inevitably looking back at the journey we have taken to get there. Do you feel fulfilled, or is it the madness that keeps us coming back… Looking to conquer the feeling you could do better…next time.

If it’s not yet clear, this image, it should of been easy. Yet I struggled with it, argued with focal lengths, color shifts, camera angle. I had a basic composition, the mountains framed by the bowl in the trees leading into the cloudy sky. Yet the light was playing games once again, it always seems to. From white out, to brilliant oranges, to gradient lights, to shadows streaking the sky as blue hour rolled through. Elements making up the larger photo. The editing was slow, it took several attempts just to commit, then further editing woes befell me. I must of re touched this photo four times before I was remotely satisfied, and in the end… I settled basic edits.

This isn’t a rant as it may first appear, instead I think this is something as a photographer you need to learn to come to terms with. Sometimes you will step into a scene and find your composition waiting for you. Other times, more frequently you will step into a scene completely unaware, unable to decide, and leave feeling downtrodden. This is something we all deal with in our own ways. Looking for perfection inside of all of this chaos can be tumultuous, but bare with it! You may yet find your photographic voice within the confines of your viewfinder. Stay strong, and don’t be afraid to reach out and talk about your experiences.

Until next time!

Aperture: f8 ISO: 640 SS: 1/8th Focal: 16mm  Fujinon 16-55mm

Aperture: f8
ISO: 640
SS: 1/8th
Focal: 16mm

Fujinon 16-55mm




Secret Windows