Sunset Sound

Of course the coast has spectacular sunsets, the sun dipping down into the sound is likely a sight I wont soon forget. I knew I wanted a good sunset, though when I had originally considered the idea I had wanted to do a sunset at one of the lighthouses. Those plans fell apart, so I headed back to Corolla, and wandered down towards the docks.. There was a bit of a party taking place there, so I meandered my way around to get out of the way, and here we have it. A lovely shot into Currituck Sound, gentle reflections, clouds rolling through the sky, the long exposure hiding some of the people.

Photography isn’t predictable as much as we want it to be. We can’t know the light, the circumstance, nor the outcome when we head to a location. Its all a bit of a gamble. We watch the weather, study the clouds in the sky. At the end of the day it may or may not matter. Weather will do as it pleases. I had no idea if my location would work, and in truth I’m not even standing where I had intended to. I had wanted to shoot down the length of the dock, but it was covered in people, moving back and forth. Long exposures hide a lot, and I am grateful for that.

What do you do when you see the conditions, and realize that your initial location wont work? We improvise, we think back to places we have been previously that might give us something more. We can hedge our bets by having primary, secondary locations in mind, but in the end we will always be at the mercy of the weather. On the bright side, people will only ever know of you missing a shot if you write a blog and let them know! Which of course now all of you know, but it will be our little secret.

Until next time!

Aperture: f8 ISO: 640 SS: 10secs Focal: 14mm  Fujinon 8-16mm

Aperture: f8
ISO: 640
SS: 10secs
Focal: 14mm

Fujinon 8-16mm




The Beacon