The Beacon

The coast was fun. I enjoyed rolling around, seeing the sights, finding places to investigate. This is the Hatteras Lighthouse, the tallest brick lighthouse in the United States, 2nd tallest in the world. So, of course as a photographer, despite there being literally thousands of photos of it taken, weekly during the summer, I decided to try and snag one myself. I wandered around with my cellphone in one hand, camera and tripod slung over the shoulder in the other. I looked at different compositions, even snagged the obvious one from further back with a telephoto. In the end, I decided the perspective shot from bellow, but up close was more fun, to my tastes.

So, as a photographer, part of you will rebel against taking the obvious shot, the one everyone has. You should take that shot anyway. Why though? It’s actually pretty simple, unless you hit the cosmic jackpot, you will never have the same exact shot as anyone else. Your tripod height [or hand held] focal length, aperture, and conditions in the MOMENT all change the composition. Your photo may look similar, nearly identical to another… but it is still unique.

Take your time, pick your moment, arrange you composition. In the end, you will find your shot. Of course mine took patience, its nearing the end of tourist season, but while I was in the Outer Banks it was still in full swing. I had to time my shot exactly to avoid a hundred people in frame wandering aimlessly. Other photographers giving me side eye for standing so close. Always remember, when you are out in the field, ignore those prying eyes, don’t react to them, react to your composition! Have fun out there, and don’t sweat the small stuff.. take a thousand photos, just as long as you walk away having enjoyed the experience.

Until next time!

Aperture: f8 ISO: 640 SS: 1/1000th Focal: 14mm  Fujinon 8-16mm

Aperture: f8
ISO: 640
SS: 1/1000th
Focal: 14mm

Fujinon 8-16mm


Sunset Sound


Southern Comfort