The Forest Floor
Back and forth, up and down, we travel down the asphalt paths, only focusing on the destination. Deviations are rare, but perhaps we should rethink the hustle and bustle of the here and now, take a moment to step off the well beaten path. On my way to my last photo destination, I spied a bit of white right bellow the heavy bows of the rhododendron, whatever might it be, I had to pause, and turn. And down there, on the forest floor a lovely display dropping down between and over moss covered stone, a lovely little waterfall building a scene just for me, a reminder to enjoy the journey.
Truly, it was a stroke of luck I even saw this waterfall running along the forest floor. I only noticed between the water had been up the days before, alerting me to the idea of a waterfall that may not normally be visible, the mountains are filled with these incredible little streams. A few days later, I came back to investigate, and while there was no safe way down into the basin, I did manage to find a composition or two.
For the edit, I originally did a focus stack of this same scene, but I didn’t like how it overall flowed. The water was a little jagged in sections, so instead, I found a different composition and re edited from the beginning. I worked to make the water feel cold, dark, but running fast, bring a little more color to the carpet of leaves by bringing in some red tones, and letting the greens really shine. After that, a little dodge and burn along the rocks, bringing out the highlights and deepening the shadows, and it was ready to bring to you.
Until Next Time!
Aperture: f8
ISO: 320
SS: 1/4th
Focal: 55mm
Fujinon 16-55mm