
I got together with some good friends and took a trip back to the WNC Nature Center, they had never been, and I was still excited to see the Red Fox. We got on scene, and began wandering through the park. We stopped by the Bears, then the big cats, the cougar was taking a nap, but not unaware of people next to the enclosure. We got to spend time shooting the wolves who were trying to find more comfortable places to nap as well. All in all it seemed like a sleepy day for the animals. Finally we got to the fox enclosure, and the red was sleeping. I was about to walk away with only a quick headshot when it would leap up and begin running around the enclosure, until it found a nice area to nap on the ground. For the briefest of moments it stared right at me, and then curled up and fell back to sleep. All in all, I think it was a good day for me.

As photographers it can be difficult to decide when to cut our losses and move on. Sometimes we jump the gun, but that’s because we aren’t able to see into the future. Sometimes you will be packing back up, and then what you were waiting for happens. That’s when you have to decide, is it worth setting back up, or do you stick to your guns, appreciate that you saw the event and move on? More often than not, I will set back up, sometimes I get my shot, sometimes I don’t. Photography, beyond skill, technique is all about luck. It’s alright to use all your skill and technique and create the composition you wanted, but never underestimate just how lucky you sometimes are.

Something I need to learn in the future is to stick by my guns and stay put, wait for the scene, don’t give up so hurriedly. Enjoy the moment, live in the moment, and once its done, move on, photography is so much more than a single photo. Take those moments you capture and build on it, create more, and enjoy the journey that never seems to end.

Until Next Time!

Aperture: f6.4 ISO: 800 SS: 1/250th Focal: 400mm  Fujinon 100-400mm

Aperture: f6.4
ISO: 800
SS: 1/250th
Focal: 400mm

Fujinon 100-400mm


Waking Dreams


Shadows of the Cloud