Settling Fog
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In the bowl that makes up a portion of the Cradle of Forestry here in Appalachia one may come across an intriguing sight. Mist gathered within the neat mountain surround, laying silently in the morning light. As the sun rises and begins to penetrate through the valleys into the cradle, you may find yourself transfixed by the peaceful moment bellow. Shining rays and deep shadows surrounding this cradle of fog, trees pushing up out of this lowland cloud, truly a moment to be appreciated, a moment in time to be cherished, and if you’re able, to pass it along to someone else.
This is from my trip to the cradle of forestry the other day, and while it is true that I only came for the shot of looking glass rock, this sight is one I know all to well, and you simply cannot pass this up. This is one of the few consistent areas when the weather begins to turn, you know what you’re going to find when you get there, and it’s always stunning. No matter how early you have to get up to go chase this morning light, it’s almost always worth it. Of course you wont get this shot all the time, but you can tell very early in your day whether the fog has rolled in for you.
The edit here was really quite simple, a bit of dehaze, some slight added contrast, a little desaturation, really you have to let this image do most of the work for you. By adding too much of anything the whole shot falls apart, you have to take your time, and take frequent breaks while working on the shot. If you don’t you almost inevitably end up overbaking the exposure. I opted to stop here with this image, simply because I felt for me, it was just right.
Until Next Time!
Aperture: f8
ISO: 200
SS: 1/160th
Focal: 140mm
Fujinon 50-140mm